with Tiffany Baker of BossBabeDogTraining, Training Advocate

Introducing the Love Your Muzzle! Series

Dedicated to raising awareness for the wonderful tool that the muzzle can be AND to guide you and your pup through a plan to love their muzzles! 

Muzzles DON’T equal bad dogs. Muzzles are an EXCELLENT tool for a number of behaviors: new dog/people relationships with an unsure pup, for those pups that like to eat all the things, scary vet visits, and more!

What you need: 

*A well fitting basket muzzle

   We like the Baskerville muzzle & for a more custom fit: Bumas or Trust Your Dog Muzzles are great!

*Bite-sized treats (if your dog already has an aversion to their muzzle due to a scary vet visit or similar, use HVT’s - High Value Treats).

*Nice quiet, minimally distracting space (in this video I’m in my backyard, ideally inside in a spare room is a better option)

*An excited pup and happy attitude (for best results)

We want to see all those beautiful muzzled fluffbutts! Tag us and use the hashtag #loveyourmuzzle ❤️🙌🏼

Tiffany Baker of BossBabeDogTraining

Training Advocate
Dogly loves Tiffany because she trains adoptable dogs to be more so, then happy in homelife - and shows how with our dogs.

Tiffany guides you

New Dogs - Reactivity - Puppies - Manners - Aggression - Muzzles

Tiffany is certified

Certified Behavior Consultant Canine (CBCC-KA) - Licensed Family Paws Parent Educator