Support Group for People Who Feel Embarrassed Walking Their Reactive Dog
with Karen Chapdelaine of TheTimelessDog, Training Advocate

Recorded on
Thursday, Jul 15, 7 PM EDT

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When our dogs bark or lunge at the end of the leash it can be embarrassing. It can maybe even make you want to stop walking your dog completely.

Let's talk about how to make walks a little bit easier for our reactive dogs. Let's also talk about ways we can deal with and push through our embarrassment.

Bring your most embarrassing story to share so we can show each other that we are not alone in what we experience. I can't wait to share my most embarrassing moment or two...

Karen Chapdelaine of TheTimelessDog

Training Advocate
Dogly loves Karen because she helps us live life with our dogs in a way that's rewarding, calm, and happy - and does it with empathy.

Karen guides you

Aggression - Basic Manners - Marker Training - Enrichment - Leash Manners - Reactivity

Karen is certified

Certified Professional Dog Trainer Knowledge Assessed (CPDT-KA) - Fear Free Certified - DN-CET (DogNostic - Canine Enrichment Technician)