
The Dog Who Went To Main Street

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About this product

Long before it was a book, it was our story. Just everyday life with our wandering Zona when Cory was little. Then real life transformed into bedtime story improv with endless variations on where Zona went and who we enlisted to help find her.

One holiday, it became sketches and words in a book just for Cory. Later when it was published, everyone we met had their own story to share. Everyone with a dog at least.

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The spirit of our simple story turned out to be universal: here's to adventure - and sweet dreams at home at the end of the day. Really, who doesn't want that?

We hope your children enjoy following Zona as she sniffs and eats her way through Main Street, is welcomed back where all is forgiven, and falls asleep in the loving security of home.


Humans behind the brand

Cory & Jane

We’ve been "dogly" our whole lives. We just didn’t have the actual word for it until we came up with one to capture everything dog and start a company around it...

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